What is torque in physics? Find the answer.

Muhammad Iqbal

Torque or movement of force : The turning effect produced in a body about about a fixed point due to the applied force is called torque or movement of force.

Torque can also be defined as "The vector product of force and movement arm is called torque".
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Quantity: Torque is a vector quantity.

Symbol: The symbol for torque is Greek letter (Ï„).

Mathematical formula: Ï„=F×r

Torque= applied force×movement arm

SI unit
: The SI unit of torque is (Nm).

Factors on which Torque depends: Torque depends upon the following factors.

1) Movement arm :
The perpendicular distance from the line of action to the axis of rotation is called movement arm .

Importance of torque:

In simple words, torque is important because it helps us understand how things rotate or turn. It is a force that causes objects to twist or rotate around an axis. Torque is essential in various activities of our daily life such as driving a car, using tools or even playing sports. It helps us generate power, control movement, and accomplish tasks efficiently. Without torque, it would be challenging to perform various mechanical tasks and actions that require rotational motion.

Applications of torque : Torque play an important role in our daily life it is used in different fields such as Physics and Engineering.

1) Mechanical Engineering: Torque play an important role in mechanical engineering.

Due to torque various mechanical systems (machines and devices) are designed to operate well.

Examples: For example in automobiles, torque is used to rotate the engine crankshaft, which generates the power needed for the wheels to turn and move the vehicle forward.
second example can be that in the construction of mechanical systems torque is applied to fasteners like screws and bolts to tighten them securely and ensure structural stability that is essential for them.

2. Robotics and Automation: Torque is essential in robotics and automation to control and manipulate robotic limbs or joints. 
For instance: Industrial robot arms use torque to perform precise movements, such as assembling components in a factory assembly line or welding parts together.
Humanoid robots utilize torque to imitate. human-like movements, allowing them to walk, lift objects, or even perform complex tasks like playing a musical instrument.

3. Sports and Athletics:
Torque is a is an important factor in many sports, helping athletes generate power and control their movements.

Examples include:

1) In golf, torque is applied by rotating the hips and upper body to generate power and control the swing, allowing the golfer to hit the ball with distance and accuracy.

2) In baseball or cricket, pitchers and bowlers use torque in their throwing or bowling actions, twisting their bodies to generate speed and spin on the ball.

4. Physics and Mechanics:
Torque is a fundamental concept in physics, enabling the understanding of rotational motion and equilibrium. Its applications include:

Understanding the stability of objects and structures, such as determining the balance of a seesaw.
Explaining the behavior of spinning objects, like tops or gyroscopes, which demonstrate the concept of precession due to torque.

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